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Marcin Pluskota

PR Manager

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Actualités de l’entreprise

Piwik PRO is a PIPEDA-compliant analytics vendor

Compliance with PIPEDA shows our commitment to privacy and proves that we take measures to protect data and mitigate a broad range of security risks.

Nous avons une nouvelle formidable à vous annoncer. Piwik PRO s’associe à Cookie Information, un fournisseur renommé de plateforme de gestion du consentement (CMP) basé au Danemark et notre partenaire de confiance.

Piwik PRO Aims for Even Better Product Development with a New CPO & CTO

Digital analytics and data activation vendor Piwik PRO aims to further enhance its growth trajectory by extending top management for better product development capabilities. The current CPO, Kuba Bomba, will assume the new role of CTO, and Kristian Humle Lauritsen will take on the position of CPO.

Cookie Information, a consent management platform vendor, and Piwik PRO, a digital analytics suite vendor, are merging. The deal is backed by Kirk Kapital, Piwik PRO’s founder, the management team, selected employees at Piwik PRO, and the Export and Investment Fund of Denmark.

Piwik PRO, a privacy-focused analytics vendor, passes 12.4M EUR ARR in the time of Universal Analytics sunset

In the first half of 2023, Piwik PRO grew its ARR by almost 34% and increased the number of its clients by 46%. The company helps more than 10,000 marketers balance effective data collection and privacy compliance each month.

A leading privacy-friendly analytics vendor, Piwik PRO, introduces its reinvented Customer Data Platform

The departure from third-party tracking and an increased focus on privacy are driving companies to seek new ways of connecting with their audiences. These shifts in the landscape are what inspired Piwik PRO to update its Customer Data Platform (CDP), a customer-centric solution that empowers marketers to maximize the value of their activities and campaigns.

GDPR anniversary research: how EU companies balance compliance and effective marketing

CEOs and marketing executives from across Europe share their experiences with privacy compliance in the second edition of Piwik PRO’s GDPR study. 2023 results show a massive shift in how EU companies perceive GDPR and the obligations that come with it.

Google Analytics 3 sunset: a 5-step Guide on How to Approach the Migration

On July 1, 2023, a product with a market share of over 85% will stop collecting data and be replaced by its successor, Google Analytics 4. That means companies can either learn analytics based on a completely different tracking logic or look for a new platform based on familiar patterns.

Piwik PRO, a leading vendor of privacy-friendly analytics, passes $11M ARR, introduces new CEO and strategy

The CEO and Founder, Maciej Zawadziński, is moving to an advisory position while current COO Piotr Korzeniowski is taking over the company’s reins.

We’re reinventing our Customer Data Platform

We have exciting news to share with you. We’re rebuilding our Customer Data Platform (CDP). The new version of the module will provide easier data imports, advanced behavioral audiences, and more options for activating data.

2022 in review: Finding new ways forward in the dynamic post-Schrems II world

With its twists and turns, 2022 was an exciting year. We had successfully conquered a unique set of external and internal challenges, many new to us. Read this update to learn the year-end highlights and glimpses of the future.

A new EU-US data transfer deal is on the horizon, but there’s no going back to how things were before Schrems II

With US President Joe Biden’s executive order in place, the works on the new EU-US data transfer deal can move in full gear. But even with the new framework in place, the conditions have changed too much to get back to the pre-Schrems II business as usual.



En vedette

Couverture médiatique récente



CDP : Générez des connaissances importantes avec l’activation des données client

Une plateforme de données client (Customer Data plateforme, CDP) contribue à créer une vue unifiée et complète de vos clients, renforçant la personnalisation et améliorant l’efficacité et la flexibilité des campagnes marketing.



Google Universal Analytics 360 arrive en fin de support : conseils de migration et meilleures alternatives

Le 1er juillet 2024 Google mettra fin à Universal Analytics 360, obligeant les utilisateurs payants à passer à Google Analytics 360. Il n’existe aucune solution de contournement et le temps s’écoule inexorablement. La nouvelle version diffère considérablement de la précédente alors que la migration de données entre les deux n’est pas autorisée, rendant cette transition encore plus compliquée pour les organisations concernées.



Cookie Information and Piwik PRO merge to give European marketers more control over their online data

Cookie Information and Piwik PRO are merging to strengthen privacy-friendly tech in Europe. The merger will enhance data control, security, and privacy standards, benefiting over 10,000 user organizations.



Google Analytics’ competitors foretaste business boost following privacy debacles

“Alternatives to Google Analytics could stand to benefit if the rest of the EU decides – like the Austrian and French data protection authorities already have – that the tool can no longer be used because it does not comply with EU privacy standards. EURACTIV France reports.”



France’s privacy watchdog latest to find Google Analytics breaches GDPR

“Last month — in the wake of the Austrian ruling — one Poland-based Google Analytics competitor, Piwik PRO, told us that Schrems II was one of the main concerns raised by organisations contacting it to seek a Google Analytics alternative.”



Ist Google Analytics illegal?

“Tools der großen US-Tech-Unternehmen nutzen Marketeers heute selbstverständlich. Die aktuelle Rechtsprechung könnte aber zum Problem werden. Wechselnde Absprachen zum sicheren Datentransfer zwischen Europa und den USA stiften Verwirrung – es könnte bis März 2023 oder länger dauern, bis Rechtssicherheit herrscht.”



Universal Analytics addio, come scegliere il nuovo provider?

“Chi per lavoro gestisce quotidianamente una grande mole di informazioni personali, infatti, deve scegliere con accuratezza i tool con cui operare, prendendo in esame alcuni elementi di cruciale importanza come quelli individuati”, sostiene Maciej Zawadziński, CEO di Piwik PRO.

The Netherlands


Privacy en data: wacht niet met zoeken naar alternatieven voor Big Tech

“De datahonger van Big Tech loopt steeds meer tegen muren op. Europese privacywaakhonden floten Google al terug. Ook andere techbedrijven realiseren zich dat ze meer aandacht voor de privacy van hun gebruikers moeten hebben. Dat heeft een grote invloed op wat voor informatie voor marketeers beschikbaar is.”



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